In this new 8-bit animated short by Andrew Bridgman, Batman takes down a street thug, breaking his legs in the process. He then chats up the wounded criminal, telling then his life story. And you know what? That oft-repeated tale ends up not sounding that tragic at all. He is, after all, just some dumb spoiled rich kid who dresses like a leather queen with a bat fetish.
As Dorkly point out:
And really, what does Bruce Wayne do with his miraculous good fortune? He spends millions outfitting himself with armor and cars and a secret cave-lab and all sorts of gadgets, instead of donating his money to charity, where it might actually do some good.
I mean, RIGHT?
Watch the video below.
The post Oh, Quit Whining: Why Batman’s Sad Life Isn’t So Tragic After All appeared first on World of Wonder.